Monday, November 22, 2010

Thoughts for Thanksgiving

The sum total of my sins is sufficiently great that I should have no time to keep track of the sins of others. The grace I have received is sufficiently and infinitely great that I have no need to question the quantity given to others.

A grateful heart cannot keep being grateful and keep score at the same time.

A joyful heart cannot be changed except by changing its focus from the Giver of Joy to circumstances.

Hope comes when we need nothing to change because we believe in the omniscience and omnipotience of the Giver of Life.

Love and grace are gifts that are given freely but received only when we are willing.

The Lord is my shepherd; the implication is that I am a dumb animal in contrast to God, and that is not just true, but infinitely and eternally true.

Freedom is not living without limits; it is living within the will of the Giver of Life and desiring nothing outside His will.

Thank you, Lord, for grace, for friends, for family, for loving us first. Amen

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